I am sorry to admit that my writing; which I would list as my number one passion has had to take a very definite back seat at the moment. I promise this is not an on-going state of affairs but there are only so many productive hours in each day.
There is an old adage that if you want something done – give it to a busy person. I find there is a lot of truth in that comment. A busy person will just fit it in to their busy schedule and complete it with no fuss and no fanfare.
I believe I would come under that category of a busy person but sometimes I would like to concentrate on one thing. I suppose that is what NANOWRIMO gives me; one month to write the bare bones of the next book. I have to admit to; a certain selfishness during November when my only thoughts are the story, uploading and getting my succeed certificate. In my mind I live the story, the characters, the plots and the development. I am sure if Freud analysed my writing he could tell where I went on which day to produce the different chapters of the book.
Currently my overworked mind is taking up with my latest project. For several years I have been heavily involved with No 1 Son’s rugby team who will finish youth rugby this weekend, those still committed to the game and with the talent will continue into Colts. A very different set up and not reliant on ley volunteers who organise rather than coach. I will be giving up my role as Youth Chair and my role as Mini Administrator and letting others take the tasks forward.
Naturally this will leave a huge gap in my life or so I thought. I could, now knuckle down and work on my books. It would be a great time to take “Memories” onwards and try seriously to get it published. I would like to do something with “Scrum Down”, after all it is a story about an U16s season with a group of rugby players. By the time I get round to publishing it No 1 Son will be playing for the VETs.
Life never goes as planned. I am about to launch a community magazine. Not just about to; it is well on its way and I have spent weeks trying to find advertisers willing to give me a chance. I am not a salesperson, I may be good at many things, not that I can think of any off hand, but selling and cold calling is not one of the attributes I list on my CV. I am however passionate about the community need for the magazine, supported by the very favourable reception that I have had locally.
So the magazine I am launching has plenty of articles and editorials and a few confirmed advertisers. I really believe in the power of local enterprise. There are lots of small businesses in every community who struggle against the giants in their trade but need an avenue to tell people they exist. I hope that I will provide the conduit they need to increase their business and in return they will support my business.
There is always a slightly selfish angle to all new ventures and I am no different to anyone else. My altruistic motives may be intrinsically good but until I am a well-known multi best-selling author I have to be realistic. Once I am established I hope to be able to publish a story or a diary each month in the magazine to get my name and my writing out into the public domain. Maybe then with the publication of my books or even the next NANO book I may already have a local following keen to read some of my work.
I remain steadfast in my commitment to my writing but do not always enjoy the luxury of dedicating enough time to it. As most of you know I am a member of a fantastic writing group. This group is supportive, encouraging and critical, in a developmental way. Each month, we meet, we write and we are set homework, although not always easy I do try to have a go. We try different genres, different styles, and different tones. It stretches my writing in ways I would never otherwise have had the confidence to try. I no longer have long periods of writers of block as there is always homework to start, finish or edit. I tend never to go for the conventional story but try to have a twist in my tales. These develop as the story turns rather than I go out and look for a surprise. I wonder what Freud would make of some of my twists and turns.
I now have multitudinous fragments of writing that one day I hope to come back to. A piece of writing is never wasted. Memories developed from a short story. The remit for a competition was a children’s short story about a little girl afraid of the dark. It had to be inspiring to other children and help them overcome their fears. I believed I could be a great children’s writer, after all I had children, I worked with children and I appear to be in tune with children. I didn’t get anywhere with the competition but it was one of my very early attempts at writing short stories. The story and theme played on my mind and I wondered; what if there was an underlying reason for this irrational fear? What if they took her seriously and investigated the fear and find out some darkened past?
The story still rolled around my mind for barren months with no avenue to develop.
I sat down on 1 November 2010, yet another brainwave from the writing group, with no idea what to write a novel about. My mind turning somersaults with different words, phrases and scenarios. Fear of the dark, triggers, irrational reactions, and emerging past all vying to be written. Suddenly Memories tumbled into a story. All those what-ifs developed plausible answers and other new what-ifs found their way on to the pages. That was the easy bit, now we are at a far more difficult stage waiting to be sent to a publisher.
It is a lesson to remember; whatever we do or learn it is never wasted.
Here’s to my next chapter that it will bring new readers into my world of writing. Maybe this November will bring a fictional thriller about the secret life of a magazine owner.
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